Remove barriers to vaccine uptake
The LynchVax project is a collaboration between academic researchers, clinicians and people affected by Lynch syndrome. Our research plan has been developed according to the needs of those affected by this condition.
We have a Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) group that meets regularly throughout the year to discuss strategies and updates on the project.
We want to make sure that an effective preventative vaccine will be acceptable to people with LS. We are also interested in learning if they would be willing to take part in trials to test the vaccine, and how they might feel about getting the vaccine in the future.
Throughout this project, we will consult with groups of people with Lynch syndrome. Our trials will be designed in partnership with them to ensure they are appealing, and that as many people as possible can benefit from the vaccine in future.
As passionate advocates for involving people with lived experience in research, we fully endorse the plans to reach out to the wider Lynch syndrome community to gather their views on a cancer-preventing vaccine. This is a crucial step in preparing for future clinical trials
Helen White, LynchVax PPI member
You can find more information on the Oxford Cancer Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) work here. To join the LynchVax PPI group or find out more about the project, email
If you are a member of the public that has a personal experience of living with cancer; OR is someone that has supported someone with cancer such as family and friends; OR a member of the public that is interested in advancing cancer research you can join our PPI community here.